Webinar: Models and the Future of STEM Teacher Education
Speaker: Professor Samia Khan, University of Dundee
Friday 31 July
2-3pm UK
8-9pm SE Asia
The word Models has been used with the Pandemic throughout the world, with over 249 million social media hits in the last 3 months, yet many of our STEM teachers and students are not readily equipped to reason with these models themselves or teach with them. In this talk, I will introduce “model-based teaching in science education”, its history from science and its connection to science education. I will also briefly discuss recent applications of this approach in a course on preservice science teacher education with technology. Finally, our mii-STEM international research team will share our recent studies for the mii-STEM, the “Model-based Integrated Inquiry STEM” research program. This international program of research focuses on model-based teaching and inquiry for STEM teacher education.